Florida’s Unfair Termination Laws: An Overview

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Unfair dismissal is a legal and moral issue. This is not only unethical but also against the law. Those who have been fired without good reason have strong legal protections under Florida’s wrongful termination laws. An Orlando workers compensation Attorney in Orlando can help if you were terminated in violation of local, state, or federal law.

Florida’s Wrongful Termination, Harassment, and Discrimination Statutes

Harassment and discrimination in the workplace are common factors in claims of wrongful termination. It’s possible to file a wrongful termination suit if your employer fired you for discriminatory reasons based on your race, religion, gender, or other protected status. While federal law generally applies in this situation, Florida state law does vary slightly. When it comes to hiring, federal law prohibits discrimination on the following grounds:

  • Race \sColor
  • ethnic background
  • Religion
  • Sex/Gender \sDisability
  • A matter of genetics

Furthermore, federal law prohibits an employer with 20 or more workers from terminating an employee because of their age (defined as age 40 or older). Similarly, federal law prohibits any business with four or more workers from discriminating on the basis of citizenship status. In the meantime, if you’re a business owner in Florida with 15 workers or more, you can’t discriminate against:

  • Origin, Race, and Religion
  • Sexual Orientation Gender Relationship Status Physical Impairment
  • Age \sHIV/AIDS \sStatus Characteristics of People With Sickle Cell Disease
  • If you have been wrongfully terminated from your job in Orlando, the attorneys at Bogin, Munns & Munns can assist you in filing a claim for damages under federal and/or state law. To find out more, please contact our offices right away.

More Examples of Termination That Are Protected by Florida’s Wrongful Termination Statutes

Many other forms of termination are also addressed by Florida law. No employer may terminate your employment due to the following reasons in our state:

  • Achieving your legal entitlements
  • Serving on a jury while on unpaid leave
  • Using the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to take time off for personal reasons
  • going on a hiatus (of up to five years) to serve in the armed forces
  • Expressing displeasure with acts of bias or harassment

If your termination goes against the provisions of your employment contract or the company’s rules, your employer cannot legally fire you. It’s possible that other forms of dismissal and workplace mistreatment are unlawful as well.

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