How To Describe Yourself College Interview For Admission

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College Interview

Every student has to deal with some transitions in his academic career. It includes a transition from school to college and then from college to university. At the time of school to college transition, students are found to be more confused as compared to the others. The very first challenge over there is to pass the interview. Everyone who appears in a college interview has his own set of traits and experiences. Some students literally do not have how to cope up with their interview. Only those students can get the best who have proper guidance for different requirements of a college interview. So here is the article that can help you in guidance. This article aims to discuss about college interview for admission.

How Do You Answer Tell Me About Yourself in a College Interview?

In an interview, there can be a bundle of questions that you do not even expect. At that time, it becomes confusing to deal with the interviewer. You must prepare yourself for such unexpected questions. At the same time, there are some questions that are obvious to be asked. One of those questions is ‘tell me about yourself’. This question will pop up at the very start of the interview.

If you get the purpose of any question, it becomes easy to respond in an appropriate way. Even you hit the targeted place, this attitude works well to impress the interviewer. The purpose of asking ‘tell me about yourself’ is to get insights into your biographical as well as geographical information. This information is used to judge the psyche of a student. Also, this question works well to make a flow in communication. Most of the time, the interviewer introduces himself first and then ask you to do the same. This approach is very important to create a comfortable zone over there.

So it is time to answer the question. You can carry this question into two different ways. The first way is to answer in a formal way. On the other hand, you are supposed to deal in an informal way. It is better to ask interview if you have to introduce yourself formally or informally and then answer accordingly.

Formal Introduction

Start your introduction with a greeting and mention with excitement that it is nice to meet you, sir. After that, let him know about your full name. Furthermore, you need to tell about your school name, grades and school performance in a brief way. Expets of admission essay writing services have suggested that you can structure your introduction into three parts like past, present and future.

  • Past – school name and a brief detail about it
  • Present – the name of colleges where you have applied and why
  • Future – long term goals

Now you have to conclude your introduction by mentioning how this college can assist you in your future goal. Make sure that it is just an introduction. Here you do not have to explain each and everything. Just tell him about these three parts in two to three lines.  

Informal Introduction

The informal introduction includes details about your studies, family and personal interest. Furthermore, you need to tell about your passion, vision and goal in a college interview. Here also, you can structure your introduction into three parts as you did in the formal introduction. Start it with a greeting and follow the structure.

  • In the past, you can make a story of different details. Start it with your full name and family details. Tell the interviewer about your parents and their name. After that, share the number of siblings and one-liner detail about them. Now explain about your educational background. Mention if you have changed your school in the past and the reason behind it.
  • At present, explain your current activities. You can explain academic as well as non-academic activities. It can be your hobby and interest too. You can expand this section as much as you can, but make sure it should not be more than one minute.
  • The future section is again supposed to be an explanation of your goals. In a college interview, you can mention about university for which you are dreaming right now. That is how you can conclude your informal introduction in a college interview.

‘Tell me about yourself’ is an open-ended question where you get the chance to impress the interviewer. It can be your traits or past experiences in curricular as well as in extra-curricular activities. Also, it is a chance to show your confidence and communication skills.

How Do You Write a Personal Interview for College?

It is very important to write a personal interview before you go for            a college interview. Here you can practice about so many aspects of an interview. You can read the script and practice it till the day of interview. While writing a personal interview, pen down all the expected questions. Even before that, you have to evaluate why you are joining the targeted college only. What is the thing that is attracting you? Also, what is the ranking or reputation of that college in the academic sector? In the same way, write down how you can best fit in this college. In short, you have to cover both sides. The first one is how college is best for you. The second one is how you are best for that college. For your college interview, write down the introduction and other questions related to your personality. It includes your strengths and weaknesses.

Write down how to make flow in your conversation. Write down the subjects in which you have more interest and your past performance in that subject. There can be many more unexpected questions. It can be related to current affairs and new technology related to your degree. So you can write down all these aspects.

Final Thoughts

In a college interview, you can make your introduction very amazing if you follow the right track. Right information and confidence are the things that really matter. You are not supposed to cram your script. Do not exaggerate anything, and be honest in whatever you say.  

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